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How to Use Adfly @ Shorten Adfly Url

Tutorial How to Use Adfly Shorten Url to Earn Money
Cara Nak Guna Adfly @ Buat Duit Dengan Adfly

This tutorial will tell you how to use Adfly and make money with Adfly. It's simple tutorial and we hope you get what you want from this tutorial. This is a free tutorial and together we make it clear. Ready?

Now let’s proceed with the tutorial:
1. Login to your Adfly account. Adfly Website Here. For those who not register yet, Read this Tutorial.

2. Insert the url you want to share and then click Shrink! button.

3. Now your Adfly Url ready. Click Copy button and Paste it on your site.

4. Go to Adfly Home page and you will see your Url. Adfly have record you recent url. See below.

5. We can also make your custom url with Adfly. First, go to Home page and click More Options button.

6. Insert your url into the box.

7. Now you can change your url setting.
7.1 - Domain: you can change 3 type of domain from Adfly. example : we choose q.gs
7.2 - Advertising Type: you can choose Interstitial Advert with big money or Framed Banner with small money.
7.3 - Custom Name: you can type what ever you want. example : bloggerkini 

8. Your custom domain will show like below. example : http://q.gs/14467278/bloggerkini

9. Simply copy the code and paste it into your site. You Done!

Your url was recorded. See below.

In this report menu, you will see this counter will increase when your visitor click on your link.

Do you want more money from Adfly? Read this tutorial.
Make More Money with Adfly Referral Program.
Adfly Payment Proof

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Unknown said...

easy not??

Unknown said...

how to copy it own my site

Mohamad Yasir Bin Pilus said...

kalo tak ada account paypal mcm mane?

Unknown said...

@MYPTrickster, kalo takde acc paypal mcm mana nak dapat duit?? sbb adfly ni company US.. dorang tak pakai maybank.. so, daftar la acc paypal satu.. daftar free jer.. ok.

Blogger said...

Did you know you can create short urls with AdFly and earn $$$$$ from every visitor to your shortened urls.

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