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Infolinks Ads Network Payment Proof

Infolinks Payment Proof
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About Infolinks / Infolinks Wiki
Infolinks is a leading provider of PPC In-Text Advertising services. Infolinks enables website owners and online content publishers to benefit from premium contextual ads. Infolink's In Text Ads expose online visitors to highly relevant content, don't require any additional space on the websites and are quick and easy to integrate.
Established in 2007 and backed by Primera Capital, Infolinks leads the industry with an attractive business model and guarantees the highest revenue sharing basis to all partners. Since the company's incorporation, thousands of websites have been integrating Infolinks In-Text ads.
Infolinks In-Text ads complete the contextual web ad experience initiated by AdSense. Infolinks integration takes 1-Minute only as it simply requires the insertion of one line of Infolinks script code into web pages' html. After that, the entire process is intelligently automated without being held to any long-term commitments.
Infolinks welcomes all legitimate websites - big and small - to experience the next generation of In-Text advertising. There are no sign up fees, hidden commitments or qualification minimums.

To apply for join this ads network, simply click here.

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Unknown said...

Infolinks are the best ads network for me, i do receive a payment every month and the amount was awesome. i was put the code in my 3 blogs. this is the result come out. thanks infolinks.

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